JOHN 9:4 / Colossians 4:2-6

Lesson prepared by: Krisha of Solomon Wisdom FB page



JOHN 9:4

“I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” (KJV)



When you travel in different country the first thing you’ll see, apart from the good views, is the culture. For example, in America where I’d been: you won’t see them “make mano” to elders, the elders usually go to facilities when they’re too old to take care of themselves but we cannot judge them because that’s the way they are raised. If you talk to them and see how the system goes, you will truly understand them. People there are too busy and you seldom see people walking on the streets especially in county and also most of them have cars to use. Why I say this? I say this because in different places around the world, there are different opportunities we can see. The opportunity we have in the Philippines is not the same in other country.


How about the opportunity in sharing the gospel? Can you do street evangelism in other places? In other countries, you cannot do that, you will be put in prison. Others you need to have permits, and in some places, you will not be heard because all people are in their cars. Can you do on knocking doors? No you can’t. How can you do that if mostly people are in their work and if there are some staying in their houses, they have legitimate reasons why they’re there – busy and if you tried they’ll say “I’m good, I don’t need that.” You cannot see people making “tambay” outside. If you see them outside, they do something: mowing grass, doing gardening and many things. How about in grocery stores? If you’ll say, “you need help.” They’ll mostly say, “No, thanks. I’m good.” They are raised independently so every time they block your way in the aisle in grocery store for example, they always say “I’m Sorry” because they see the time consume in buying- their free time. Can you give bible tracts? You can in other places but most of the time they put in wipers of cars in the parking lot. You cannot give inside the grocery stores because some will report you to the store manager. In other Muslim countries, they’ll put you in prison. So what will they do now? In USA, they still try do knocking doors, giving tracts and other things; find other ways even it’s very hard. Some countries, they do basement worship services.






Because of the culture and the different opportunity, some Christians in other countries just go with the flow and just wait for the opportunity to come and this cause them to feel insensitive with the opportunity when it comes their way.


Nowadays, we can see that social media is a great avenue for sharing the gospel. Instead of posting unnecessary things on social media, let’s use this as an opportunity to share the gospel especially to those our friends, relatives and others in other countries. Talking about sensitivity, when see our FB friends posting things that are alarming and you think they need help, make a private message to that person and pray for him or her. In line with this, always remember that our Facebook account or any accounts on social media are also our way of showing our testimony. So be careful what are in there or anything posted.


In the church we should be sensitive, if we see a visitor, be friendly and don’t let that time passed without telling that person how God loves him/her – share the GOODNEWS.  In our bag, let’s put bible tracts or any invitation cards so that when meet someone or a friend in a place we go, it’s easy for us to invite; It’s the first step to share what you believe in – salvation.






Have you experienced of not doing something in sharing the good news? We become stagnant and at peace of just being a Christian. Whether we accept it or not, our ultimate goal given to us by God is the Great Commission which is written in Matthew 28:19-20.


In the Philippines, we can still see people staying outside their houses and play, talking with neighbors, or just stay and drink coffee. The people are still reachable, you can still do the house to house sharing. So as part of looking for ways, being friendly to your neighbor is also one way of sharing the gospel. Another thing, when your birthday comes it’s the best time to invite people so it’s also the best time to share good news as part of the birthday program. Reunions, All Saints Day, Christmas, New Year and other special events are the best ways to share.


Though there are many ways, Christians come to the point of their Christian lives that that they become stagnant. They stopped looking for ways in sharing the gospel, and become deaf in the voice of the Holy Spirit or they’re not sensitive anymore to the opportunity.



If you’re a teacher, you are equipped to teach. If you’re a licensed dentist, you are equipped to treat dental problems. If you’re a doctor, you are allowed to treat patients with their health problem and many more. Therefore, if you’re a Christian, you should be equipped to share the Gospel because this is what happened to you – someone shared to you the gospel and furthermore, this is what God has commanded.

In 2 Timothy 2:8-13 we can see how Paul reminded Timothy about the Gospel. First and foremost, the content of the gospel of what Paul shared is JESUS CHRIST. It says, “Remember Jesus Christ, of the seed of David who was raised from the dead…” Timothy needed to keep the fact that Jesus is the Messiah. The gospel should be the good news that pertains to Jesus Christ who died on the cross. In sharing the gospel, Paul suffered the consequences (He was chained). He understood that they could chain him but they could not never chain the word of God. It will spread no matter what. Why he endures all these things? For the elect’s sake (God’s people), that they obtain salvation. So we see how motivated Paul was in sharing the gospel. Like Him, we should be motivated by what Jesus did on the cross for others to know. We should not have the thought that “BE SAVED ALONE IN THE FAMILY.”


According to Colossians 4:5

“Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.”


This speaks ‘to them that are without’ to unbelievers according to commentary. Part of being sensitive to the opportunity, we are commanded to walk with wisdom toward those who are outside, unbelievers. Walk in wisdom speaks on how to deal with them in order for us to have the opportunity to share the gospel. Paul believed that Christians would answer others from biblical truth. Also, it is mentioned that we must let our speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

Being equipped, read and study your bible and have your personal devotions in order for you to keep on motivated and talked by the Lord through His word. There are many ways to share the Gospel and it depends on the people you talk to or the allowed minutes you are given. If you are given only few minutes, JOHN 3:16 is enough in sharing the gospel. Study and master because this is the greatest command God told us to do while we are here on earth.





My sister and I had once a week regular bible study to a woman in other barangay. That time we were late because of unavoidable circumstances. We knocked on the door and someone responded but not the woman we used to have the bible study, it was an another woman. So as usual we asked where the woman was and she said, she went somewhere for an important event. As she spoke, some thoughts at the back of my mind, “Best opportunity to share.” I look at my sister and our eyes were like talking. That time it was almost lunch so there was a battle on my thoughts. “You can’t share she might be cooking or she would think it was already lunch and she cannot offer you something to eat.” Because of the battle in my mind, I decided to just give her a nice bible tract in order for her to read and might know and believe Jesus as her Savior then we bid goodbye. As we were walking, I told my sister the battle in my mind and she said she experienced that too. When I heard her words, I asked her “Could we come back? Let’s try what do you think?” She said “I don’t know. It’s already lunch.” We went back a few steps but I stopped to go home and promised to share the next week.


Coming of the next week, my sister and I went to our bible study with our goal of sharing the gospel to the woman we met last week. When we knocked, Donna, our Bible Study attendee opened the door. As we entered and we allowed to sit, I asked who was the woman we met last week and where she was. As she was speaking, my toes shook and my heart beat faster. She said she was already died; she was just buried a day before we came. Her death is unexpectedly because she was okay. She got measles but only few came out on her skin. The family thought she was fine and they also went to a carnival but after that they brought her to the hospital and that was it. I can’t put into details but it reminded that life really is too short; she was in late 30s I think that time when she died. After the bible study and while we were walking, there were tears in our eyes. I can’t talk that time. I prayed to the Lord and asked for forgiveness. I would never, never forget this experience in sharing the gospel. From that time on, I always sensitive to the opportunity of sharing the gospel.



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