
Showing posts with the label family inheritance

FAMILY INHERITANCE (Bible Passage: Jeremiah 35: 1-19; Proverbs 13:22)

  Picture taken from Google Lesson Prepared by: Krisha of Solomon’s Wisdom FB page Lesson ideas taken from: NOVEMBER 22, 2020   MEMORY VERSE A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just. PROVERBS 13:22     INTRODUCTION: Have you noticed in our society, particularly the families? If a certain family is known for their work for example a family of drug pushers, a family of illegal work or anything; they are known for a certain work. Most of the times, if the parents are doctors, they have that influence that some or one of their children would become a doctor someday too.   Let’s not go far, let’s look at our neighbors, relatives or even in our own families. Let me give an example about our clan; Anilao clan. Male Anilaos were known for their strength, proud, drunkard and womanizer and they were proud of it. Let’s see the nature of work. Most males were