
Showing posts with the label God's Way


  picture taken from google TITLE : Doing God’s Work in God’s Way BIBLE PASSAGE : Zechariah 4:1-6 INTRODUCTION : Why is it so often we hear about men and women who are in the ministry, serving the Lord, doing the Lord’s work falling by the way side? Sometimes because of moral problems, they just get disgusted, disillusioned and discouraged in the work of the Lord. How can a person serving the Living God become so discouraged that they would be willing to walk away from the very calling God has given them? Well, there may be many reasons but the primary reason probably is that we do the work in the wrong way. That is, we are not doing the God’s work in God’s way. LESSON BACKGROUND : That those Israelites who have been in Babylonian captivity for seventy years have now, under Cyrus, been allowed to return to Jerusalem under the leadership of Zerubbabel to rebuild the temple. And so, they have gone back now, some fifty thousand of them. And they laid the foundation of the temple