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HEBREWS 10: 32 - 39

HEBREWS 10: 32 - 39

OCTOBER 14, 2018

Now the just shall live by faith; but if any man draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.
(Hebrews 10:38)

In verse 32 it says, “But call to remembrance the former days, in which, after ye were illuminated, … This verse reminds me of my conversion: Pastor Elmer with his young people companions visited our house in 14th street. He was asked me if I already accepted Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour and I answered, “Is it needed?” He explained and accepted Jesus Christ into my heart. After conversion, I experienced very slight persecution. My parents were aware of spiritual matters because we were Protestants but that time they questioned my conversion and frequent goings in the church. Without my knowledge, our neighbor brainwashed my parents. They told negative things about Christian churches and this church; one of those things is my salary, she said that my money would only spend in the church and before it would be too late I should quit attending. One thing hurt me when our neighbor asked my father to bring me to Baguio City to have a good earning job and I refused. My dad heard it and he was really mad; that was the first time I saw his face like that. He cussed me and I was really crying hard. I knew and understand our situation; we were very poor. That time at the age of 16 I was working in a pawnshop. He talked to me like this:
Father: Why you refused?
Me: I want to serve God
Father: You can serve God anywhere
Me: Yes, but this time God spoke to me through His word and He wants me to stay here in Olongapo
Father: (He said bad words) From now on, after work don’t go anywhere, go straightly back home and don’t expect us to prepare food for you.
Me: (just crying and say nothing).
I really miss the feeling that you speak boldly for God against people questioning your conversion and changes. These experiences are nothing to be compared to the persecutions the early Christians experienced.

stand-your-ground law (sometimes called "line in the sand" or "no duty to retreat" law) establishes a right by which a person may defend one's self or others (right of self-defense) against threats or perceived threats, even to the point of applying lethal force, regardless of whether safely retreating from the the situation might have been possible. Such a law typically states that an an individual has no duty to retreat from any place where they have a lawful right to be, and that they may use any level of force if they reasonably believe the threat rises to the level of being an imminent and immediate threat of serious bodily harm and/or death.

These words I heard from a newscaster anchor that she mentioned these words upon receiving an award for being firm in giving good news to people on television. Stand your ground based on the truth. These words caught my attention in our spiritual life.
There is a book that mentioned the history of how James, one of the disciples, died ( Several years after Jesus died, King Herod Agrippa decided to stop the spread of Christianity by striking its leaders. He had James arrested and sentenced to death based on one man’s testimony. However, when this accuser saw James’ extraordinary courage and steadfast joy, even when condemned to die, the man was deeply touched in his heart. There on the spot, the accuser made a decision for Christ. He boldly cried out, "I want to follow Jesus also. I am a Christian."
The soldiers led James to be executed. Along the way, his accuser stopped the apostle and fell down at his feet. "I am so sorry for what I have done," he cried. "The blood of an innocent man is on my hands. Please, please, before you die, please forgive me." Let’s read Acts 12: 1-6 which mentioned how James’ death and why and how Peter was imprisoned.
These were just a few of the tragic things happened to early Christians. Maybe we think that persecution was incredible in the life of early Christians but in our present time, we don’t see the danger because we’re here in the city. How about in Mindanao?   Brother MT is an evangelist in the Philippines. He travels regularly into the mountains to preach to the terrorist groups. Peter, his eight-year-old nephew, frequently went with Brother MT on his evangelistic trips. He was a special help to him in children’s meetings in the mountain villages.
One day he received a message, "We have your nephew," said the handwritten note. "If you surrender to us, we will return the boy to his parents." Brother MT stared at the message. It was from the leaders of the New People’s Army (NPA), the military arm of the Communist Party of the Philippines. People in many parts of the Philippines have been threatened and persecuted for years by this group of terrorists.
Because of pressure from the NPA, Brother MT was often forced into hiding. Still, as a result of his ministry, some of the NPA soldiers had given their lives to Jesus Christ and left the organization. MT had counted the cost and was prepared to give his life for the Gospel, but he was not prepared for this! He knew there was no hope that his surrender would save his nephew. He knew they would both be killed; still, he hesitated.
The boy’s parents insisted that MT ignore this order and continue his evangelistic outreach. As a result, the parents gave their son for the Gospel. Peter was killed on Good Friday, April 17, 1992. He was tortured for three hours and suffered very much. His hands were tied with wire, and the terrorists struck him in the legs and head with an ax. Finally, he was beheaded.
The abductors have warned the boy’s parents and MT that if they do not stop their ministry, they will return and torture them. Brother MT is continuing his dangerous work in the mountains among the terrorist groups(
Persecution and challenges to Christian people are not a thing of ancient history. It still happens in our time and Christians everywhere are being asked to stand their ground against those who want you to give up your faith. And today’s question for all of us, “Will you stand your ground?”
-       Have you known a person still happy if his property is confiscated?  In Hebrews 10: 32-34
33 Partly, whilst ye were made a gazingstock both by reproaches and afflictions; and partly, whilst ye became companions of them that were so used.
34 For ye had compassion of me in my bonds, and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods, knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance.
You know that these things are temporal; knowing you have a better substance in heaven. You see having your salvation is far greater than everything on this earth.
-       In vs 32-34, the writer to the Hebrews starts to remind them of their past. They had just become Christians and were so convinced about the truth of their faith and so thankful to their new found Saviour that they stood their ground. They were suffering, yes, but they stood their ground. Against insult, against, persecution, against imprisonment, confiscation of property. They were associated with others who were persecuted and so were tarred with the same brush. Some even died. They still stood their ground – why? Because they knew that what they had – forgiveness and Salvation - were so much better than anything this world could offer. It would outshine and outlast anything they could achieve themselves. Their suffering and pain were worth it considering what awaited them.
(Insert the experience of John Bunyan, the Baptist martyr who laid down his life for preaching God’s Word)
-       The second reason why the writer to the Hebrews says to stand your ground is that God’s reward is close at hand. Vs 35 says...
Cast not away, therefore, your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. 36 For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise 37 For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come and will not tarry.
We do have a reward that awaits us, a reward for those who have been faithful.
 James 1:12 says that “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
When we are promised that God will come again soon and deliver us from all our trials and pain. Our reward is not long coming – Will you stand firm like so many others in this world?

-       (insert the story of Haim’s Family, a Christian family, living in a communist country in 1970 -  Die for Us)
-       “Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draws back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.”
-       Insert the story of a mother and her daughter, Siao-Kei 5 years old, Mainland China - During the Red Guard Era, 1966-69 – Mother was forced to deny Christ for her daughter’s safety.

I remember when I was in College, my classmate asked me to go somewhere with her to buy something. This time, I said yes because there were so many times I refused for those invitations she asked me to go with. After we bought something, again she asked me to go with her to pray in Columban church before we go home. For you all to know my childhood, elementary, high school and college life had so many struggles in gaining friends maybe because I learned to be alone and independent. Before I was not approachable but when they talked to me I tried everything to please them to have friends that’s why I also was so quiet regards to faith and doctrine. So when this classmate asked to me pray in a church with a different faith, I didn’t know what to do; I took a deep breath and said, “Friend sorry, I’m not Catholic. Our prayers are different.” She replied, “From the start, I didn’t notice you are not Catholic. I don’t know.”  I said, “Yes, but now I tell you I’m not. Still friends?” She said yes but I noticed she distanced herself from me. You know what why she said she didn’t know I was not a Catholic? It’s because I kept silent about my faith and I did not respond to spiritual matters. There are simple things we can stand on our ground. We don’t have that incredible experiences but in simple things, we can stand on our ground. Could you stand your ground if your boss asks you to carry the idols for company picture taking?  Could you stand if the breadwinner of the family asks you to do something against your faith?

There is a lesson we could learn from this story:
Archibald Naismith tells us that at the Battle of Waterloo when the fight became its worst, an officer galloped up to the Commander, the Duke of Wellington and said, "my Captain says we are being destroyed, we need reinforcements quickly." The Duke said simply, "tell him to stand." The officer galloped back to relay the message to his Captain.
Shortly the same messenger galloped back with the same message. Again, Wellington said simply, "tell him to stand."
Very soon another officer the same with the same request. Wellington’s response was this, "I have no help to send you, tell him to stand." The officer saluted and replied, "you will find us there sir."
When the battle was fought and won the Duke found each of those men at his post. All dead, but they stood. They had laid down their lives for the victory.
Bible says in Ephesians 6:10-11(KJV)
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
One lesson we could see in this lesson is although we know that we have the armour, God’s Word, the weapon to fight in the battle, we still need to stand your ground and use your weapon.  The emphasis is not on the armour, but on standing. The armour is simply a tool that we are to use to carry out God’s command, "STAND."


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