NUMBERS 14:39-45
Lesson prepared by: Krisha of Solomon Wisdom FB page

DATE:  APRIL 08, 2018

Jeremiah 10:23

O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. (KJV)

-          When you were asked, “Do you need revival?” Some will possibly answer, “No” maybe because you see yourself okay; you go to church, you pray, and surrounded by Christian friends. But deep inside there’s no spark in the things you do in the church. You are not blessed with testimonies and touched by sermons. The things you do are just routine.
-         The Israelites had a spiritual leader to guide them, they can talk to God through Moses. Though they had experiences showing God’s guidance and presence, still they rebelled against the Lord.
-         Though they can have the access to talk and feel God’s presenceTheir hearts need revival.
-         Have you felt the times in your life that though you are in the church or you’re in the middle of praying it seems that you’re away from God’s presence? This was what happened to Israelites. There were in distress situation and they wanted God’s answers but He didn’t respond.


-          In Numbers 14:39-45 the Bible explains that the children of Israel sought to do just that. The scriptures explain that Moses informed the children of Israel about the things that God said concerning their judgment. Since God saw that the people despised Him and His eternally unconditional promises, God told Moses that the complaining generation would not inherit the land. The generation of Israelites that came out of Egypt had grown accustomed to complaining about God and the methods of His work. The generation of Israelites that came out of Egypt was rebellious against God and considered Him to be unable and unfaithful in regards to His promises. Though God guaranteed that His people would inherit the land according to the promises made to Abraham, the people were afraid of the native inhabitants of the land, considered to be too great to overcome for God, and desired to go back to the bondage of Egypt rather that move forward by the command of God. Therefore, God told Moses that those ungrateful people would not inherit the land, and Moses relayed the message to the people. 
-         Upon hearing about God’s displeasure and judgment, the Bible explains that the people were sad and regretful. In response, the people tried to appease God to ease their regret. They did not seek to change their hearts in repentance. God had previously told the Israelites to prepare to enter into the land, but Israel rebelled against God in fear and unbelief. After hearing that God was going to cut them off from the inheritance, the people decided they would just go into the land as God originally promised. However, the Bible does not explain that the people repented. The Bible does not say that the people sought God. Though the Bible does say that the people acknowledged their sin, the scriptures testify that the people sought to address their sin their own way rather than seek God for forgiveness.
-         After so many struggles and painful experiences, there’s an announcement that you have been denied to go or experience the “Promise Land.” Though they were with Moses that time, they were complaining a lot and this is the reason, they didn’t trust the Lord. I think a great manifestation that a believer heart’s need revival is when he becomes a complainer.
-         Numbers 14:39-45 explains that the people decided they would go up over the mountain and enter the land to try and please God. Rather than seeking forgiveness and turning back to the Lord, they sought to make up for their mistakes on their own. Feeling regret about being disqualified from God’s promises, the children of Israel pursued the promises of God without God. When Moses saw what the people were preparing to do, he warned them not to do so. Moses candidly told the people that God had decreed His judgment and would not relent. God had already showed mercy by allowing the people to live. God had also exercised His righteousness by administrating proper justice and consequence for the unfaithfulness of the people. The actions of the people were not going to change the mind and heart of God since the people sought to do their work without repenting and turning back to God. Moses warned the people that they would not succeed, but instead be embarrassed and destroyed by the people, seeking to take advantage of God’s blessings without God. Moses plainly told the people that God would not go with them into battle, and as a result, they would lose. The people despised God and did not want to trust Him so God let the people go on their own to their own demise. (
-         Have you experienced praying earnestly but God didn’t answer? Have you felt the feeling that you are trapped and the only way which you think to get out of it is following the knowledge of this world? For example, you are trapped with financial debt and your decision is to loan with a higher interest because you can’t longer find a company or a debtor with a lesser interest. Then this decision gives you a more tiring situation in life. Then this comes the feeling that you can longer feel the God’s presence in your decisions. You cannot decide properly because instead of surrendering your will to the Lord and repent to the things you do without Him, you decide with your own way and not in God’s way. 


-         Numbers 14:39-45 candidly testifies that the children of Israel did not heed Moses’ warnings, went up the hill and were defeated by the Amalekites and the Canaanites. The children of Israel were pushed way back so that they lost ground. Moses did not go with the people and kept the ark from going with the people as well. The history of Israel shows that one cannot pursue the promises and benefits of God without trusting in God. The Book of Hebrews puts it this way – it is impossible to please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6). The testimony of Israel shows that one cannot have a superficial affection for God, only desiring the “good things” that God provides without desiring God as the Provider. One must trust in who God is, trust that the methods of His provision are good and right, and trust that God is greater than any circumstances to fulfill His promises and is faithful to do so in spite of circumstances. In order to receive the benefits that God gives according to His promises, one must desire God and trust His ways according to the scriptures. The testimony of Israel shows that when one seeks after God’s rewards without God, one will eventually experience defeat. Those who deny God and do not pursue Him in faith by His Word cannot expect God to be in the lead of one’s daily endeavors to bring victory, peace, joy, and contentment. Those who do not receive the benefits of God’s promises can only blame themselves for departing from the God who gives them. (
-         Two things that caught my attention is in verse 44. They still went up to the hill even without their spiritual leader and the Ark of the Covenant which is the symbol of God’s presence.  I remember situations in churches wherein some members still do what their wants even with warnings from our pastor. We still do things without the guidance of the Lord through His word. Remember you would not succeed in this battle of life without our spiritual leader (finds him in the church) and most especially the Lord in our lives.

Imagine your life away from God’s presence and it’s a total disaster. Away from God’s presence is the very hardest thing situation we could experience in life. If we’re on this situation, we need to be revived. Read God’s word daily and have quiet time with Him. Repent from your sins and ask God to revive you once again. Bible says in Acts 3: 19-

19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.



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