
Showing posts with the label giving


A BAG      WITH HOLES HAGGAI 1: 1-15 Lesson Prepared by: krisha of Solomon Wisdom FB page Scheduled Teacher: Bro.Bernard Llamado JULY 22, 2018 MEMORY VERSE : 2 CORINTHIANS 6:10 As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things. INTRODUCTION : I think most of us experience this, “Ever run out of money before you receive your salary.” Did you try to figure out why we run out of money? There are so many reasons why we always run out of money. Possible reasons: you spend beyond your salary, wage is not enough, other members in the family are jobless, support in medicines are not in the budget and many more. These are some of the reasons Christians think why we experience inadequacy but let see the spiritual reason in it. Our lesson came from the book of Haggai. Haggai spoke his message to the Jews who had returned to Jerusalem after living captivity in Babylon. As you re

DEVELOPING A GIVING HEART (1 Kings 10:14 – 11:13; Matthew 6:19-21)

DEVELOPING A GIVING HEART Lesson prepared by: krisha of Solomon Wisdom FB page Lesson taken from: Scheduled Teacher: Sis. Liza Biado INTRODUCTION: Being a Christian for so many years, have you experienced wherein you have difficulty giving something when asked about pledges in the church?   Or have you felt conditioning your mind and heart before giving something? These are normal feelings because giving is a matter of the heart. There’s an old story about a dad who gave his son two quarters as he heads for Sunday School. He told the boy that he should give one quarter in the offering and he could keep the other to get an ice cream cone. (I guess that price for an ice cream cone proves how old the story is). As the boy walked down the street he accidentally dropped one of the quarters which then rolled into a storm drain and disappeared. The boy looked for a moment down the